Personal Safety Courses

Redbird AWARE: Alert, Wise, Attentive, Ready, Empowered
2.5-Hour Program
Redbird AWARE is a free 2.5-hour self-defense introduction course for all genders. It includes prevention techniques and introductory self-defense options that may reduce the risk of exposure to crime. As an introduction to the physical aspects of self-defense, this program has a dual purpose:
- To prevent a variety of crimes through education and training.
- To educate people about options that may help them avoid, escape, and survive attacks.
“Self-defense is not just a set of techniques, it's a state of mind that begins with the belief that you are worth defending.”
- Rorion Gracie

R.A.D: Rape Aggression Defense
12-Hour Program
The basis of the Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) system is realistic self defense for Women (not a martial arts program). It provides women and young girls with an environment to nurture and develop positive skills, attitudes, belief in self and physical fitness. It is structured as a WOMEN ONLY course and taught by certified R.A.D. instructors. Students must attend all 12 hours of the program. The three focuses are: Risk Reduction, Physical Defense and Dynamic Simulation.
What Do I Need to Know?
- Our R.A.D. program is completely free of charge
- Classes are only offered during the spring semester
- Each class must have at least 4 participants
Why women only?
- Statistically most assaults on women are committed by men
- Assaults on women and men are very different in nature
- Women typically are unfamiliar with their capabilities, as most have never hit anything prior to this class
- This training helps women realize their potential for self protection, versus reliance on others
- Easier for women to bond
- Reduces the likelihood of "improper touching" with the large amount of physical contact
- Title IX of the U. S. code, subpart D 106.34 (07/01/92) specifically outlines separation of sexes in classes where physical contact is necessary.
Need a Program for your Organization?
Redbird AWARE and RAD can be requested through our Community Engagement Unit. Additional personal safety discussions centered around specific topics of concern to your group may be availble. Please contact our Community Engagement Unit and start a conversation about how we can address your questions and educational needs.
Fall 2024 Redbird AWARE classes will be held September 4, October 2, and October 24 from 5:30pm-8:00pm. To register and for additional details visit Redbird Life.
Redbird AWARE courses are available upon request for individual groups who can commit a full 2 hours to the program. Please contact us at to discuss scheduling. RAD cannot be requested individually as it takes more than one session to complete. We do encourage your group to participate in the scheduled sessions.